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If you are installing PocketGCC for the first time, download latest Full package from download section. After this you cane either copy it directly to your PDA or unzip it on desktop system, then run three CAB files to install console driver, CMD and compiler itself. In case you want to update older version, download Update package and install it like Full one (but only one CAB file will be there).

It's recommended to run CMD then type 'cd \pgcc\samp', 'menu', and 'menu\menu' to build sample application and test you installation.

You can move compiler from \pgcc folder, where it's installed by default to any other, but don't forget to change paths in your make scripts and add quote them if they contain spaces.

Uninstallation procedure is same as for any other PocketPC application.


In progres... You can read '\pgcc\samp\menu.bat' script to see how sample project is built and then copy/change it for your project.

Users Group

There are Pocket GCC group at Yahoo! Groups. Join it to get notified about new versions right after they are available for download as well as about my future plans and other important information, to discuss PocketGCC-related topics, share files and so on. Group address is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pocketgcc.